Content Creation

51 Hooks for TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook

Feb 23, 2023

In the rapid-fire realm of social media, capturing attention is everything. With users scrolling through their feeds, your content needs to stand out immediately. That's why we've crafted a list of 51 dynamic hooks to ensure your posts don't just get noticed, but genuinely engage your audience.

The list was created in collaboration with Ahmad Taha, who is the CEO and founder of

  1. Here's a tool that helps you [action] [pain point] - For example, here's a tool that helps you save time and boost productivity.

  2. I'll show you how to [pain point they're enduring] - For example, I'll show you how to improve your relationships in just one video! Stay tuned, this is exciting.

  3. Tired of always being in a situation where you don't have time for [something they know they should do for their business but procrastinate or make excuses] - For example, tired of always being in a situation where you don't have time to sell your products or services for your business? Watch this.

  4. That's why your [Topic related to your niche/industry] [verbs] doesn't work/increase. - For example, that's why your diet isn't working.

  5. Here's another secret [high authority nickname/slang title] doesn't want you to know about..." - For example, here's another secret the powerful don't want you to know about.

  6. The [number] biggest changes in [niche related topic/industry] you need to know - For example, the 5 biggest changes in the tech industry you need to know.

  7. Here's everything new in today's [niche related topic/industry] - For example, here's everything new in today's fashion industry.

  8. How I achieved [desired solution or result] in [time frame] - For example, how I got a perfect body in 6 months.

  9. These are my secrets to [desired result, which is a pain point] in [topic/place/location], from a top [authority position within niche/area] in the world - For example, these are my secrets to achieving more productivity at the workplace, from one of the world's leading executives.

  10. Here's a hack I used to make my first [something related to your business] when I had no money to buy one - For example, here's a hack I used to create my first website for my business when I couldn't afford a web designer.

  11. I can almost guarantee you didn't know how easy it was to [related niche action or topic] on [website/tool/app]. Let me show you... For instance, I can almost guarantee you didn't know how easy it was to build a website with WordPress.

  12. Let me show you...' If you [action] in [time frame] - you'll notice a drastic difference in [what they hope to achieve/problem they want to overcome]. For example, if you meditate for 5 minutes a day, over a month - you'll drastically notice a difference in your stress levels.

  13. [Your niche] secret that you MUST know..." For example, the investors' secret you MUST know to achieve financial freedom.

  14. Here's something REALLY important that every [business/niche] should have learned in school... For example, here's something REALLY important that every entrepreneur should have learned in school...

  15. Uncomfortable truths from a [profession/name/qualification], you'll probably hate me for. For example, uncomfortable truths from a nutritionist, you'll probably hate me for.

  16. Tell me I'm not the only person who just discovered this as a [job title/profession]. I've been [adjective related to job title/profession] for [time frame] and I'm just discovering this now. For example, tell me I'm not the only person who just discovered this as a marketing specialist. I've been in marketing for 5 years and I'm just discovering this now.

  17. If you're a [job title/profession/title], it's your lucky day. I'm going to show you how to organically [desired result that speaks to a common problem area]. For example, if you're a marketing specialist, it's your lucky day. I'm going to show you how to organically increase your brand awareness.

  18. If you're looking to get into [your niche/industry], you need to check out these 3 [websites/apps/tools] immediately. For example, if you're looking to get into e-commerce, you need to check out these 3 platforms you must be on!

  19. Insert this one-liner in your [niche-related daily activity/practice/habit], if you don't want to [what they want to avoid]. For example, insert this one-liner in your workout routine, if you don't want to experience injuries.

  20. I'm going to tell you why [niche-related object/topic/product, which you REALLY show on camera] like this is more effective than [same niche-related object/topic/product, which you REALLY show on camera]. For example, I'm going to tell you why workout equipment with adjustable weights is more effective than fixed-weight equipment.

  21. This is why you're struggling to [something they're currently struggling with, which they wish to overcome], even though you know what to do and how to solve it. For example, this is why you're struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle, even though you know what to do and how to solve it.

  22. So you're considering whether to [controversial topic they're debating or want to avoid], let me tell you why you SHOULD. For example, so you're considering whether to go on a plant-based diet, let me tell you why you SHOULD.

  23. Want to double your [desired result] on [platform/business]? Here's how you do it. For example, want to double your income as a freelancer? Here's how you do it.

  24. [Number] things you should already know about [niche-related topic/subject] after 6 months. For example, 5 things you should already know about building a successful business after 6 months.

  25. I'm working on an [app/website/tool/product/service] that will completely transform your [niche-related topic/subject/industry]. For example, I'm working on a tool that will completely transform your productivity at the workplace.

  26. Here are [number] things that everyone [gender/title/profession] should be able to do. For example, here are 9 things that every programmer should be able to do.

  27. For those of you wondering why [niche-related pain point] (ideal result of what they want or hope to achieve) - I'll tell you why. For example, for those of you wondering why you can't save money - I'll tell you why.

  28. If I had to start my career over in [niche, demographic, business type], I would... For example, if I had to start my career over in the marketing industry, I would...

  29. You MUST check out this [website/tool]. It's called [website/tool] and it's absolutely amazing! For example, you MUST check out this program. It's called '' and it's absolutely amazing!

  30. Here are the top [number] [websites/tools/apps/etc.] for [something taboo within your industry that will catch attention because they are curious about it]. For example, here are the top 5 websites for making money from home.

  31. Here's how you can steal [recognizable name/brand/celebrity/public figure]'s [topic] technique and use it for yourself! For example, here's how you can steal Steve Jobs' presentation technique and use it for yourself!

  32. Here's how you stop avoiding the things you need to do in your [topic/subject] life. For example, here's how you stop avoiding the tasks you need to do in your work life.

  33. How to Work Smarter, Not Harder in Generating New (Niche-Related Topics or Topics Addressing Current Frustrations or Pain Points). For instance - Discover how to effortlessly brainstorm fresh ideas for your blog.

  34. Have you ever noticed how some (businesses/niches) achieve more (desired results), even though yours might be superior? Here's why that happens. For example - Ever wondered why some restaurants attract more customers, even with your cuisine being superior? Here's the secret behind it.

  35. If you're dealing with (a specific niche-related topic or issue), this will make a significant difference for you. For instance - If you're in marketing, this insight can be a game-changer for you.

  36. Trust me when I tell you... this new (website/tool/app), which is completely free, will revolutionize the way... For example - Believe me when I say this new website, totally free, will transform how...

  37. I'm a professional (job/occupation) and here are 3 things your (pain point related to your job/occupation) should never say or do. For example - As a professional dentist, here are 3 things your dentist should never say or do during a treatment.

  38. Here are (number) lessons every (niche-related title/profession) can learn from (popular celebrity figure)'s brand (related to niche brand associated with celebrity). For example - Here are 10 lessons every entrepreneur can learn from Elon Musk's branding approach.

  39. Here's something most TikTok experts (title) fail to discuss when it comes to (a commonly discussed topic in your industry that you think is incorrect). For example - Here's an aspect most TikTok experts overlook when choosing the right hashtags for your videos to reach the intended audience.

  40. Want to grow your (business/niche/common problem)? If not, feel free to keep scrolling. For example - Looking to boost your sales and elevate your business success? Here's one thing you must do - but only if you're ready to take your business to the next level. If not, just keep scrolling.

  41. Most (customer-niche) won't tell you this because they're too busy profiting from it. But let me give you a sneak peek. For example - Most real estate agents won't share this as they're focused on selling more houses. But let me give you an insider's view.

  42. "Check this out: (Number) lessons every (Title/Profession) in your niche can learn from (Popular Celebrity's) brand (Niche Related Brand related to Celebrity). For example - Here are 3 key takeaways every influencer can grab from Kendall Jenner's Kylie Cosmetics, which totally shook up the beauty world."

  43. "I'm about to show you how to (ideal goal reader desires) 10x better in just 10 seconds, by simply using/applying (your unique strategy or approach). Like, let me show you how to ramp up your workout 10 times in 10 seconds, just by tweaking your technique with my cool strategy."

  44. "As a (Expert in a specific niche), here are the (Number) most crucial (Topic/Topics) that I personally wouldn't (Perform a specific action). For instance - As a finance guru, here are 3 investment tips I'd steer clear of to minimize the risk of losses."

  45. "Want to get really good at (Common problem they want to solve)? Most folks will tell you (Common method), but try this instead. Like, want to conquer your anxiety? People might say 'think positive,' but try this simple exercise to slash your anxiety levels in no time."

  46. "Here's how I turned (amount in kroner) into (Ideal amount in kroner) in less than a year. For example - Watch how I flipped 50,000 kr into 500,000 kr in under a year by playing the real estate game. I'll share my top strategies for spotting and buying profitable properties."

  47. "Common things people do that I'd never recommend as a (job title). Like, as a personal trainer, here are the no-nos that could harm your body and lead to injuries. Avoid these and get your dream body the safe and healthy way."

  48. "Want to double your (desired result) on (platform/business)? Here's how. For example - Looking to double your earnings on YouTube and boost your channel's fame? Check out my top tips for creating killer content, promoting your channel, and engaging your audience."

  49. "Here's a super simple way you can make (amount in kroner) with your (niche-related topic/business/field). Like, here's how you can easily rake in $500 a week with your food blog. Use these strategies to partner with sponsors and monetize your passion for food."

  50. "Here's how to (common practice/strategy/technique) before you (niche-specific action related to the niche). For example - Here's how to prep your skin before applying makeup. These easy steps will give you a smooth, flawless base for your makeup."

  51. "This is why you MUST use (Topic/Field/Website/App/Platform) to boost your (desired result related to their niche they struggle with). Like, here's why you MUST use Facebook advertising to skyrocket your online sales and grow your e-commerce biz."