Klima Erhvervsskole Partnerskabet
The campaign aimed to support Klimaerhvervsskolepartnerskabet in sharing their vision of sustainability and climate responsibility with a young audience through influencer activations. Over six months, Dreaminfluence worked closely with the partnership to develop an influencer strategy combining engaging content and authentic storytelling to inspire the target group. The strategy was carried out through three events, each focusing on a unique approach to climate and sustainability messaging.
Event #1: Spotlight on Food Waste
The first activation aimed to highlight the issue of food waste through creative and inspiring cooking videos. Three influencers took to the kitchen to prepare various dishes using food waste ingredients, sharing both recipes and tips for reducing waste in an accessible and motivational way. This activation resulted in over 240,000 views, 6,500 interactions, and numerous shares and saved posts. Six unique TikTok videos were produced, with Klimaerhvervsskolepartnerskabet receiving rights to use these videos to boost their own digital visibility.
Event #2: Green Transition in Education
The second activation focused on promoting green transition in the education system. Four influencers interviewed students actively participating in climate-friendly initiatives at school. This content provided unique insights into how young people view and experience green transition as part of their daily lives. The campaign achieved over 25,000 views and numerous interactions, with three TikTok videos and three Instagram Reels produced to showcase young people's commitment to climate efforts.
Event #3: Folkemøde Event on Møn
The third activation took place during the Folkemøde event on Møn, where two brand ambassadors documented Klimaerhvervsskolepartnerskabet’s activities and mission. This event brought significant visibility to the partnership's message and goals, with over 81,000 views and high interaction on shared posts. Four TikTok videos were created, offering an engaging and close-up look at the event's activities and messages.
Through these activations, Dreaminfluence and Klimaerhvervsskolepartnerskabet successfully crafted a campaign that engages and inspires young people to participate in climate action. The use of micro-influencers proved to be an effective strategy to deliver strong, authentic messages and achieve wide reach across social media platforms.